Opportunity comes but once

Opportunity comes but once

If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!

Richard Branson

As you might have read in a previous post, I set myself a goal of running 600 km in 2021. Recently, though, an opportunity came knocking on my door to train for half marathon using a programme tailored to my age, gender and fitness level. How could I not answer the door?


This programme is offered by my health insurance company and it comes with a detailed training plan, including target respiration and pulse rates for every session. At this point, I know only how the first two weeks look like: it doesn’t look drastically different from what I’ve been doing recently. This easy start aside, I wonder when I will actually have to run the full length.


The first training session went quite well in terms of hitting the target respiration and pulse rates, but I ended up running longer than prescribed. Time flies when you’re having fun, eh?

Check out a video of my first training session below.

It’s the last day of January and I finished my third training sessions today, mostly on snow! Feeling pumped about next week and the progress to come. With the guidance provided by the programme, I hope to run my first half marathon in mid-April 2021. Hopefully there will be some exciting running events to join by then, but even if there aren’t any, I can’t wait to run my own race.


What opportunity have you said ‘yes’ to this month?