Thank you for a good run, 2020

Thank you for a good run, 2020

Literally. I started jogging voluntarily only in February 2020, and I can’t even remember why. One thing for sure, the pandemic wasn’t a trigger because it hadn’t really “reached” Germany then. Whatever the reason was, I’ve been hooked since then and clocked more than 30 hours and close to 300 km by the end of 2020. I’ve jogged on tarmac/asphalt, in parks, through forests, in a horse racing venue, and around a presidential palace – I’m really not picky.


I wasn’t new to jogging but as an adolescent, I hated doing sports and exercising with a vengeance. It became worse when I went to a secondary school known for its track and field achievements (not my choice), where athleticism grabbed the spotlight. We had to jog around the school premises twice a week during recess, all the while cheering with all our might, panting notwithstanding. I’d heave a sigh of relief every time it started to rain just before recess started, because that meant we would be exempt from jogging and head to the auditorium for a reading session instead.

Perhaps it was the painful memories of compulsory exercises that prevented me from embracing running as an adult before 2020. Perhaps time has healed the old wounds, and I’m now lured by the fact that I have the freedom to choose where, when and how fast or slowly I run. I’m not a fast runner by any stretch of the imagination, but I can now say that -gasp- I find running fun.

For 2021, I’m setting myself a goal of 600 km. It’s double of what I ran in 2020 but I should hit it if I stick to my current frequency (once or twice a week) and distances (6-10 km each run). I know that there will be days when J will need to drag me out of the flat to run in the cold, days when I will feel like giving up after 15 minutes, days when I’d rather stay on the sofa under a warm blanket, but hey, let’s aim for the moon to land among the stars, right?

The important measurement is not the distance from unattainable perfection, but from unforgivable inaction.

Jonathan Safran Foer in We are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast

Do you enjoy running? Do you have any exercise goals in the new year? If you’re looking for a place to jog in Berlin, check out my favourite routes.

2 thoughts on “Thank you for a good run, 2020

  1. Great 2021 goal! Gosh, I miss running. I’m battling shin splints- here’s hoping you stay injury free! 🙂

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