It’s only cold if you’re standing still

It’s only cold if you’re standing still

Ten years ago, I didn’t even enjoy walking on snow, so I kinda surprised myself when I managed to jog on snow/when it was snowing in the past week or so, almost without complaints. Maintaining a consistent pace was a struggle, but I quite relished the reassuring squeak of fresh snow under my feet as I step on it. Here are snippets from my recent few training sessions for the half marathon.

Sunday, Feb 7

Put on 3 pairs of leggings. Not gonna lie, jogging at -7 degrees C with snow blowing into my face wasn’t easy, especially in the dark when I already struggled to see what I was stepping on. Luckily I’ve run in Treptower Park in the daylight many times before and had J with me, so I just ran with abandon this time. Managed to reach the 80-minute target without losing a finger.


Tuesday, Feb 9

Jogged during the day in Rummelsburg. It was snowing very slightly, if at all and the bay was frozen. I didn’t see anyone skating or walking on it (yet), though. Some kids sled on Rummelsburger Ufer. The snowy path around Rummelsburger See was comfy enough to jog on. Ran a few minutes short of my 50-minute target.


Thursday, Feb 11

Chose an urban route passing the RAW-Gelände, Warschauer Straße and Berghain. Didn’t realize that there’s a narrow park almost parallel to the railway tracks that connect the Warschauer Straße station and Ostbahnhof. The sky finally turned blue and the snow on the ground started to melt. How long has this philosophical statement been hanging on Berghain‘s facade? Met my target of 50 minutes.


Saturday, February 13

Jogged to Stralauer Halbinsel via Rummelsburg. The police hovered above the Rummelsburger See in a helicopter, warning people through a megaphone that the ice on the frozen bay was too thin to walk/skate/play hockey on. Apparently the police has been out and about over other frozen lakes and the Spree too, delivering the same message. Slightly exceeded my 50-minute requirement although I got distracted a lot during my jog (by, you know, swans and ducks).


Sunday, February 14

Lovely blue sky, the temperature almost friendly at “just” -3 degrees C. J and I enjoyed a quiet Valentine’s Day breakfast of blueberry pancakes and made our way to Treptower Park. The pieces of ice floating on the Spree with the Molecule Man in the background, as seen from the Elsenbrücke, are a sight to behold. There was a lot of slush today and I was a little sad that all the snow will probably be gone by the end of next week. Completed 70 minutes at a relaxed pace.


The week before, I also made a video of my jogging stint on snow. It must have been only my fourth training for the half marathon. You can watch the video here.

How did you like the last snowy weeks?