The Saturday Morning Murder

It was barely past seven
The first rays of sunlight
pushing against the grey
peering shyly through our curtainless windows

A loud thump.
I sat up on my bed
—I’m not a light sleeper
Was it just a terrible dream?

Thought I had said my prayers.

Groggily, I gathered myself 
three-quarter asleep
I pried the windows open
and staggered to the balcony 

Two dead bodies on the ground 
wrinkled, stodgy, helpless
Two who had otherwise been
in the pink of health

They had always stood proudly
for as long as I could remember 
Their lives inextricably intertwined
above and below earth 
for what must have been decades, if not close to a century

I rubbed my sleepy eyes
and spotted more dead bodies
Old and young
Crinkled and smooth
Stout and skinny
Brown, grey and pink
Wise and foolish

Hoisted up in the sky
the murderers
cheering ruthlessly
in their alarmingly bright uniforms 
on their alarmingly bright machines
There for the world to see.