Happy International Women’s Day! #ChooseToChallenge

Happy International Women’s Day! #ChooseToChallenge

When I signed up for a half marathon training programme, I knew that there will be days on which I have to literally drag myself out of the apartment to go running, because I feel lazy/it’s cold outside/snuggling under the duvet with a good book is much more appealing. Yesterday was one of those days.

I was supposed to run for 90 minutes, but it had been grey and gross the whole day. The air was cold and humid. J and I had fish and chips for lunch and I felt heavy afterwards. It was nearly dark at 4 degrees C and the clouds were laden with moisture when I finally gathered the will to get up from the couch.


3 km into my jog, I couldn’t have been happier to be outside. The streets were empty save for a few walkers and fellow runners, and I swear that I saw the lowest number of dogs since I started training at the beginning of this year. My head cleared up and I didn’t even mind the drizzle (or was it a flurry of snow?) towards the end of the run.


By the time I completed 12 km, I couldn’t have been more glad that I chose to challenge myself and stuck it out till the end.

Sometimes all we have to do is try 🙂