Tag: Havel

Easter Weekend Ride: Berlin to Brandenburg and back

Easter Weekend Ride: Berlin to Brandenburg and back

It had been a while since I cycled the whole day, mainly because it had been too cold to do so in winter/early spring. Berlin’s April weather has been whimsical, to say the least. One morning it snowed, and a few hours later the ground was completely dry you wouldn’t be able to tell what […]

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7 Lakes of Brandenburg an der Havel

7 Lakes of Brandenburg an der Havel

Like the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve bike trail, the 7-Seen-Tour (7 Lakes Tour) is well suited for short days in autumn. At just 34 km starting from Brandenburg an der Havel, you can comfortably complete the ride in 3-4 hours. And psst, if you go off track a little bit, you could even combine it with […]

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My Top 5 Autumn Cycling Routes in Brandenburg

My Top 5 Autumn Cycling Routes in Brandenburg

Autumn is quickly passing by, this year perceptibly more so than usual for me. The leaves change colours and temperatures drop ever so swiftly, so before unbearably cold winter and icy roads get in the way, why not take that bike out on a trip at least once more? Cycling for more than half an […]

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