Tag: winter

January: The year is a newborn

January: The year is a newborn

One of my favourite writers since my childhood days is Erich Kästner. I remember reading what’s perhaps his most iconic piece of work, Emil and the Detectives, numerous times when I was growing up. Each time, I would be fascinated by the train journey that Emil bravely undertook on his own and longed to one […]

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Hike and Learn: Typical Trees in Central Europe

Hike and Learn: Typical Trees in Central Europe

Coming from a tropical country, I didn’t know much about trees that typically grow in European forests. Heck, I don’t even know much about trees that are commonly found in rainforests, because I grew up in a city and never bothered to learn about them (embarrassing I know, considering that my father used to work […]

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Along the Löcknitz river: Fangschleuse to Erkner

Along the Löcknitz river: Fangschleuse to Erkner

Hope everyone had a festive, enjoyable Christmas week? Just like many of you, I feasted way too much and now it’s time to shed the extra calories. And what better ways to do it in this mild winter than to walk and enjoy nature? One easy route to explore is along the Löcknitz river, but […]

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Strolling along the river Panke

Strolling along the river Panke

It’s officially the first day of winter, and Berlin and Brandenburg have been on “shutdown” since last week till at least Jan 10. This means that most shops and schools are shut, restaurants open only for takeaways and deliveries, and people could leave their home only for important reasons. Fortunately, sports do count as an […]

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